Got some nice cotton bandanas and interestingly they are fine enough to see through when its right up against my face. The cyclops patterning leads to a fairly obvious use. Click for tutorial

The Backlog
Going to post all I have of my big projects as of 1/19/25. This was all made within the last year and a half, but there are a number of failed, minor, or misplaced projects, and the work was fairly intermittent for like obvious reasons if you have read other parts of the website or just know me.
Anyway I banged all these out on a slow Sunday in one shoot. Ill add whatever notes I remember to in the relevant box. Enjoy!
This hat was too small, made it bigger and added the bandana neck cover (like I would need it with my hair) and sharpied on it. The text on the brim sayes "I am happy because everyone loves me", a reference to Louis Wain. I would have done the cat to but I was too drink to remember I could trace things so I just did the smiley instead.

Been carrying this wool blanket around for a while trying to fuigre out how to wear it with both style and utility untill a pintrest post dropped the answer right in my lap. A pair of jeans worth of painted patches and some magpie mentality with sewing some random crap to it got me this cowpunk thing. quite proud.

I quite like the mothy wings effect when I raise my arms like this

Also looks great with the big ol skirt from before!

Its hard to see, but this has the best picture of my favorite patch (near the shoulder): Violent K and Cinny 2 Roll.

Probably my best in terms of concept, pace and outcome, completed within 2 at the very end of fall 25. Still have some things I would do differently, but in terms of sheer public reception this jacket is the most succesfull. Orignially planned to have much less faux fur and more leather, but it just kept looking better with the more fur I added to it-- there is still some intricate and invisible 95% of the time beltwork on the front pannels.
Back patch taken from old Machine Girl shirt that fell apart on me last year.

The making of this jacket cooincided with my accepting myself as a furry arc and I had a whole bunch extra of the fur, so I made some handpaws as well. Made them wrong, with 1 finger in each finger, instead of doubling up the ring and middle and using a thumb, but I think it turned out well for my first try. (I did a lot of practice fingers though)
The following 3 pictures were nontrivial to take because getting the paws on and off is a whole process. I did it by setting a 10 second countdown and pressing the shutter button with my tounge.
Not super sure where to put this, but I feel like there is considerable unexplored territory in wearing a shiesty with liner/eyeshadow. Both really accentuate the eyes and have majorly different but not contradictory signifieds. If you know of someone better then me at makeup doing this email me I want to see it.

Fit I wore to the MG concert and recreation from different angle.

Another unfinished work from fall 24 but one in a much more dire state. I was originally thinking about like a sanrio-bubblegum type thing with the arizona can armor texture and the crop top, but the armor ended up too loud to be practical and I lost directon on the top since I dont have anything in the wardrobe to really go with it, the double-D titties to fill out the windbreaker, or a facial structure that doesnt make me look like a cro-maggonon man. (Not saying you need those things to hit the aesthetic, just that I couldn't fuigre out how to do it)

In a major departure from the olive drab color scheme, in fall 24 I made this black and pink fleece trench coat from scratch, based on that one Yard Act song. It remains unfinished, I put a sleeve in and it looked too puffy and I lost already flagging motivation, so I have to fuigre out what I am going to do with it at some point. The bottom portion is a 540 degree circle skirt, which makes this quite heavy; I would estimate it is a 10 pound coat. Do not get wet.

The bike sorts over tights idea comes from some rando I saw at the climbing gym a while ago. He had that on and was on his knees with his arms forward on a stool ASS ABSOLUTELY OUT the whole time [not replicated here]. Eye-opening.

A cool feature is that the skirt actually zips out of the top trench coat and can be worn on its own. A little tight around the waist but its all good. If I was to redo this proj I probably would make it all one pice with a 180 skirt and do a 360 skirt seprate but eh. live and learn.

My jacket from the summer of 24. The sleeves, back and front have The Ones Who Walk Away from Omoelas,Fear and Loathing in the Bunker, excerpts from Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions, and Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals hand-written on them in sharpie. Originally concieved as a minimalist sort of thing, I added approximatly 40 ft. of steel chains in an attempt to make it extra, and removed them within the week because they collectively weigh like 25 pounds and are constantly so SO loud.

Most underrated accessory: bolt cutters. Perfect for the classic anarchist shit-stirrer look and action.

If you are wondering what I did with all that chain, I have since made these chaps type things that go over pants and have all of the disadvanteges of the jacket but worse because they are on your legs.
My jacket from the summer of 23. Originally a vest, the sleeves (made out of a pair of pants) are held on by a bunch of saftey pins. Was kindof going for a corset thing when closed, but the dennim, snaps and my construction tech was all too low quality to take the strain-- still flatters my shape IMO. Note also the print and press patches and painted buttons. The cuffs ended up being a bit annoying but I think they complete the look.