I Dress Like Jordan Peterson and CJ the X can Suck Shit
The death instinct is not nessacarily antisocial because it can evolve beyond an individual focus and start attacking ideas, which it can only access by getting to know people. This provides a death-driven fasion impetus; rather then taking abstract aspects of your personality and finding a socially recognized aestetic that recognizes them one could pragmatically regulate one's experience to start convorsations, project power, and be practically usefull. This is how Jorp acts; his suits direct attention and convorsation at himself, a sensible choice for someone who lives off of others thinking about him. I act in much the same way; using my clothes as a way to spark convorsations I want to have with more people-- hopefully more interesting convorsations then Peterson, but with the same narcistic intentions.
IMO, CJ's conclutions are almost always right, but the methods they use to get there are, if not wrong, certainly not ones I would use. This video is the exact opposite.
I will be using the frameworks presented in the video (fasion as social texts, death/life instincts) extensively and without summary, but I will explain how I read CJ's arguments so you can skip the video if you get what I am syaing above in the parenthetical.
Grim Reapers
Like CJ, I am a killer. The death instinct is my operative one in all contexts, and choosing life is incredibly rare. I was not borne this way; it comes from an engeneer's constantly stress-testing the boundries of everything taken to the philisophical extreme. Bigger hammers and stronger frameworks thwart eachother in a dynamic cycle (dialectic!) of idiological (idea-technological) progress. And like all technical progress, it's first application is military.
Long debates about appolyonian nonsense in its most abstract form. Touched some grass, and started reading real books and getting into deeper pomo philosophy. Learned diversity was more powerfull then truth, resurfaced and started reading the diciplines (race, gender, ability, especially economics). Talked to professors, classmates, friends, anyone who would put up with total analysys of a convorsation or drop enough clear non-sequitors to keep analysys totally impossible. Didn't make many friends this way, but didn't really try. Most people would just reduce the number of books I could read.
Eventually, I read them all. The algos started sucking shit, and I was seeing major diminishing returns on staying in my bubble; so over the past month (with a push from other personal factors) I have decided to pop it. This brings me to an important point: The true death instinct is social because it needs to find new things to kill. True, those with a death instinct can get fixated on one thing, locked in conflict with some other opposite death-driven person and kicking up a lot of dust without changing anything. This is a weaknes not of the life instinct, not of needing to reconsile with the other party, but an insufficently strong death instinct, not strong enough to overturn and kill (convince) your opponent or kill oneself, ones need to stay with this instead of moving on, taking the L and going off to the library for a training montage.
This is the crux of this section: when I am not obligated to put on my black collared shiert and bistro apron to earn money, the division of labor under capitalism lets me choose to forsake the life instinct for the death, buying packaged foods and taking the bus and relegating all my cleaning to a single tri-monthly day of suffering. I become a Grim Reaper, an Avatar of Death, balancing the desire to terrorize everyone I meet with the fact that they have much deeper ideas that are more fun to pursue.
A Pair of Edgy Shits
If this all seems like a bit much, thats because it is. Ideals are goals to be striven toward, and I can often be caught out of my depth on any number of subjects. However, I dress for the job that I want, not the job that I have